Georgia O’Brien Patrick
Gifted Professional and Communicator
Dedicated to writing stories about the life and work of gifted professionals and communicators as never covered before. Committed and curious about what makes professionals effective, connected, and inspired.

Hi, I’m Georgia.
Nearly three years ago, as the global pandemic gave the whole world the opportunity to pause, reflect, and sort out personal and business assumptions and futures, I discovered the almost-hidden and barely-understood world of gifted adults. After a year of deep dive research and interviews with many of my clients who I suspected might be gifted also, I decided, with Sia Papageorgiou, to co-found the Gifted Professionals and Communicators Community.
Decades of serving national business clients and running to airports ended. Today I collaborate and learn from other gifted professionals what my writing and 1:1 consulting needs to include—what they want and can’t find elsewhere, either.
I am the guide for gifted professionals and an accelerator for what they might have gotten around to, but now see a clear path to their next goal. I’ve discovered I don’t have to know the answers. Instead, I need to be the one other gifted professional they can count on to always make lemonade out of their lemons. (Put an umbrella and a shot of vodka in mine.)
I am a connector of dots that nobody else can see and when I connect to like minds, I do it through a deepness and confidence not normally experienced.
So far, this is the most fascinating, exciting, and liberating experience to collaborate with gifted professionals—most of whom I’m just now meeting online and by phone. For the first time in my career, I no longer need to show up with lots of answers and resources. Instead, I need to bring experience, wisdom, compassion, and great questions, then better questions to the conversations.
Now my ambitions are intrinsic and intellectual. I work as hard as ever, but now for my own learning, creating, writing, and connecting with other gifted professionals and communicators. In that sense, I’m done. Retired. No longer chasing invoices. Today’s earnings are immediate, such as paid subscribers for the Substack newsletter Gifted Professionals and Communicators and 1:1 consulting, by the hour or the day. Go to the contact page or send me an email to focus on your project and agree on a fee.
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I’m still CEO of The Communicators, Inc. but the entire business and the rest of my life entered a transformation when the founder died in 2023. Thomas Patrick was also a gifted professional and award-winning photographer, publisher, communicator, my husband, and mentor. Together we created multiple businesses and projects, won national awards, moved four times, and became famous, humble, and happy. Tom inspired me to reinvent every three years myself and my work interests.
No more of those big, two-year contracts that used to dominate my work. These days, I don’t even buy bananas that take more than three days to get ripe.
I write fast, work hard, and love to learn from people who have become good at what they do. Learning to a mastery level excites me and then teaching those things to others ignites me.
From many years of working with professionals who showed characteristics and divergent behaviors of the gifted adult, I learned these three things.
- Communication is the foundation for getting whatever we want, whether we are gifted or not. All other skills are useless without this. The opportunity to communicate, in an authentic voice (not GPT) has exploded past all communication achievements since the printing press invention.
- Professionalism is a lifestyle. Someone in our life made us want to choose the path of professionalism. We love to learn, to provide leadership and mentorship to others, and practice a craft that excites and awes us in some way every day.
- Exceptionally talented adults go by many names. The reason we know so little and miss the opportunity to put the most brilliant human on our team is we have no training in recognizing them. The science is clear that gifted is how you are born and it stays that way, forever. Only in recent years have we gotten interested in these humans but most of that interest happens to infants and school children. There’s precious little to guide the human from 20 years, through careers, through relationships, through multiple transitions and past retirement and into the final years.
If you are interested in working 1:1 with me, head to the community page to learn more about yourself and the starting points for our conversation. If you want to know what I think, feel, or discovered recently, or just add your comments, subscribe to my newsletter. Go to the now page to see my works in progress. Use the contact page if you want to tell me about your project. Please know that anyone who ever used my contact page for shameless self-promotion ended up where blocked and blacklist emails go. Not cool.